Warm infrared life


First, a little history. Infrared radiation was discovered by the English scientist V. Herschel in 1800. Herschel discovered that the temperature of the thermometer rises in the invisible region in the spectrum of the Sun obtained by him using the prism of the Sun beyond the red border. The thermometer placed in this area showed a higher temperature than the reference thermometer. It was further proved that radiation in this area obeys the laws of optics, therefore, it has the same nature as light.


123 years later, after the discovery of infrared radiation, the Soviet physicist A. A. Glagoleva-Arkad’eva received radio waves with a wavelength of approximately 80 μm, that is, located in the infrared wavelength range. This proved that light, infrared rays and radio waves are of the same nature, all of which are just varieties of ordinary electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves surround us everywhere. They everywhere. With their help, we listen to the radio, watch TV, communicate by mobile phone. Without all this, our life would not be just different, much more difficult or uncomfortable, our life would be simply impossible! After all, light is also electromagnetic waves. With the help of electromagnetic waves, we have the opportunity to see the objects around us.


Infrared rays, long-wave heat and infrared heaters


Have you ever touched your car on sunny winter day? If yes, hasn’t it struck you when the metal cabin of your car was quite hot though the air was quite cold? Have you wondered why?

It’s because the Sun doesn’t heat like usual heater, which need the air to deliver the heat to you. The Sun uses Long-Wave infrared rays, which sends rays anywhere (even millions of miles) until it encounters any obstacle and when it does, all the heat goes into this barrier no matter how far it is.

So, this is how this technology works and the carbon thread rays send the same heating rays after it gains energy from electricity.

  • Long-Wave Infrared heating rays are identical to the Sun rays (in type and frequency)
  • Long-Wave Infrared rays have the same frequency as the human body (6-20 nm), that is why this type of rays has positive effect on human organism and health
  • Does not need to burn the oxygen within the air in order to heat (like usual heaters do), that is why the usage of the products made on long-wave infrared technology does not make the air in the room difficult to breathe
  • Does not the effect of the air streams exchange (that makes the dust come up and make the breathe difficult)
  • Very low consumption of electrical energy.
  • Carbon thread does need additional energy to heat itself.
  • The product heats objects in the room and not the air. The air is a bad conductor and cools very fast, in contrary to that long-wave infrared heater heats the object(s) in the room (including human body) without mediatory interheating function of the air. This means that even in a room with 20-22 °C feels like 25 °C.
  • For example, the 250 W long-wave heater feels like you use 900-1000 W usual heater (save 3-4 times energy)

Infrared radiation is a continuously environmental factor acting on humans. Our body constantly radiates and absorbs infrared rays, this process is called radiative heat exchange. Any heated object emits infrared waves. The action of various devices is based on this, for example: night vision devices, infrared microscopes, telescopes, and of course, TRIO film-type heaters.

The Sun transmits energy through all the vast space, almost without spending it (energy), not heating it (space). Instead, the Earth is directly heated, on which the sun’s rays fall, and already the Earth and other objects heated by the Sun heat the air.

So what do we have in the end? And we have this: infrared radiation is almost the same as ordinary light. The only difference is that when you hit objects, the visible part of the spectrum becomes light, and the infrared waves are absorbed by the body, turning into heat energy. Without it, life on our planet is unthinkable. With the propagation of infrared radiation in space there is practically no energy loss. In fact, it is a natural and most advanced method of heating.


Trio™ Infrared Film Heaters

Trio™ Infrared Film Heaters create the same thermal effect as the sun. They send heat rays absorbed by the surfaces of walls, floors, pieces of furniture, and they, in turn, give this heat to the surrounding air.

The largest and most famous natural emitter of infrared waves, of course, is the sun, the emitted energy from which is 50% of infrared radiation. Without his light on earth the life would not have arisen. Without it, it would not have continued even now. The sun is at a distance of many millions of kilometers: 147.5 million km – the smallest distance. As is known, the orbit has the shape of an ellipse, therefore, the distance is variable. However, it does not interfere with the solar infrared rays, to overcome a long way in space with minimal energy loss. When a surface meets the path of the rays, their energy, being absorbed, is converted into heat. Heated objects, in turn, give off heat to the air around us. Despite the fact that the Sun is so far away from us, its rays heat the earth, while outer space remains cold. The natural form of heating is unparalleled!

Due to the fact that we were born in the vicinity of the luminary, this part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is taken by our body as a matter of course. Invisible to the human eye, it has very strong thermal energy. In addition to the sun, all heated bodies in a solid and liquid state emit a continuous infrared spectrum.

Infrared radiation is a constant environmental factor in the human body. The human body constantly absorbs and emits infrared rays (the radiation heat exchange). By acting on the human body in the long-wave part of the infrared range, it is possible to obtain a phenomenon called “resonant absorption”, in which external energy will be actively absorbed by the body. As a result of this impact, the potential energy of the body’s cells increases, and unbound water leaves it, the activity of specific cellular structures increases, the level of immunoglobulins increases, the activity of enzymes and estrogens increases, and other biochemical reactions occur. This applies to all types of body cells and blood.


Practical use of infrared radiation

Infrared radiation has found wide application in medical practice. The effect on the human body is due to the thermal effect. An increase in temperature as a result of the absorption of infrared rays by the tissues causes local reactions (hyperemia, an increase in vascular penetration) and generality (metabolic intensification, thermoregulation, etc.).

Infrared, ultraviolet and visible light rays are varieties of electromagnetic radiation. In general, electromagnetic radiation includes: gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet spectrum, light visible to the eye, infrared spectrum, and radio waves well known to us. Even before the advent of infrared heaters, man began to use infrared waves of various lengths in various household appliances. It should be recalled that the simplest artificial emitters of infrared light are ordinary household incandescent lamps.


Infrared heating by an infrared heater is based on the property of materials and bodies to absorb a certain part of the spectrum of this radiation. The most safe and useful is the infrared radiation with a wavelength of 4 to 14 microns. The most useful is the radiation of 9 microns, which is the closest to the resonant frequency of water molecules in the human body.

We perceive radiant heat at a distance, for example, from a stove, fire, fireplace, sun or infrared heater. Our body is translucent for heat rays, and they instantly penetrate into us to a depth of 10-70 mm through the open parts of the body, are distributed there, gradually warming the body (soft sensations). Steam and water absorb radiant heat well, so with increasing humidity, radiant heating disappears.


Infrared heat of the Trio infrared heaters

All heated bodies emit infrared rays. The human body is no exception to this rule – it emits infrared rays in the range from 6 to 20 µm, with a peak of radiation of 9.6 µm (bioresonance frequency). Therefore, any external radiation with such wavelengths, our body perceives as its own and intensively absorbs it. It penetrates the organism most deeply, causing its maximum warming up. It is on this property that the effect of thermal treatment, widely used in the physiotherapy rooms of our and foreign clinics, is based. The effect of infrared saunas (cabins) is based on the same effect of penetrating heat rays, where intense thermal energy penetrates the body with minimal impact on the ambient temperature in the cabin, the body actively sweats in relatively mild atmospheric conditions – 40-60 degrees. Due to deep warming, sweat contains approximately 80% water and 20% solids, such as fat, cholesterol, toxins, acids, slags, etc. (for comparison, in an ordinary sauna, sweat contains 95% water and 5% solids). At the same time, the amount of sweat released by infrared exposure is two to three times the same figure for normal conditions at 110 ° C. The natural process of sweating with a pleasant, comfortable temperature ensures excellent skin care, cleaning and rejuvenation. In addition, the body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees Celsius, mimicking the body’s natural reaction to infection, while inhibiting the action of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Thus, all of the above, can be carried out with the use of infrared heaters film type TRIO, the thermal effect of which is 90.4% of the far infrared radiation of the heater.

A person himself radiates a similar heat and perceives it from another person. Moreover, under infrared rays we get a feeling of comfort at a lower temperature than with the traditionally air environment of 18 ° C. The temperature of comfort, with infrared heating, can drop to 15-16 ° C, in rooms with air movement up to 0.5 m / s. True comfort can vary depending on the person’s physical exertion, the wind, the properties of a person’s clothing on the absorption of infrared rays, the extent to which the floor on which the person is heated warms up.

Since the constant absorption of infrared rays contributes to a surge of strength and health of our body, a person intuitively searches for its sources. There is no such person who would not like to “be in the sun” or sit by the fire.


Infrared heaters and a variety of types of infrared heaters

Without solar heat, home appliances created by him for everyday use at work and at home using special emitters of long-wave infrared radiation come to the aid of man. Today, there are more than 10 different types of household products based on the use of infrared radiation throughout the world. These include infrared heaters, infrared heated floor heating, infrared saunas, infrared mattresses, infrared warm heated carpets, wall-mounted infrared mats, infrared lamps, infrared clothing, and even infrared heaters.

The Earth’s atmosphere transmits infrared energy in the range of approximately 7-14 µm; when the Earth warms up, it emits infrared (IR) rays in a band of approximately 7-14 µm with a peak of 10 µm. Infrared waves along the length can be divided into 3 ranges: near (from visible light) – 0.74-1 µm, medium – 1.4-3 µm and distant – 3-50 µm. They are also called short, medium and long infrared waves.



The exposure to far infrared and anion radiation on humans

Infrared waves are natural, safe waves emitted by any warm object. Thanks to precisely designed emitters, these waves can penetrate into the human body to a considerable depth. It is this deep penetration of infrared waves that transfers heat to the body and improves the general condition without harming the human body.

Infrared waves are the best way to transfer heat energy from one object to another without loss. Since their impact on transparent objects is minimal, the air does not heat up much (in order to be convinced of this, touch the window glass through which the sun shines on a bright sunny day – it always stays cool). Infrared waves have nothing to do with potentially dangerous ultraviolet radiation.

The penetration of infrared waves into the depth of the body (up to 7 cm) warms the tissues, organs, muscles, bones and joints and accelerates the flow of blood and lymph. Increasing blood circulation in the muscles increases metabolic metabolism, which in turn improves the nutrition of muscles, dramatically increases the supply of oxygen to tissues. Acceleration of lymph circulation leads to increased immunity, helps prevent diseases associated with lymphatic stagnation, such as cellulite.


The effect of thermal treatment, widely used in physiotherapy rooms of domestic and foreign clinics, is based on this property of infrared rays. On the same principle, the action of infrared saunas (cabins), where intense thermal energy penetrates into the body with minimal impact on the ambient temperature of the air in the cabin, the body actively sweats in relatively mild atmospheric conditions – 40-60 ° C. The natural process of sweating with a pleasant, comfortable temperature ensures excellent skin care, cleaning and rejuvenation. In addition, the body temperature rises to 38.5 ° C, mimicking the body’s natural reaction to infection, while inhibiting the action of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Another example of a device that generates far-infrared waves in a directional manner is an incubator for raising premature babies that simulates maternal heat.


Infrared floor heaters and floor heating of TRIO

The natural advantage of the TRIO floor heating is the documented “soft” range of far infrared radiation (90.4% of the far infrared range with a wavelength of 5-20 microns). This means that the TRIO film underfloor heating is the source of the “soft heat” of the biologically optimal range. In the room, heated by infrared film underfloor heater, creates exceptional thermal comfort and a healing effect on the body.

Infrared floor heater provides uniform heating of the room, without causing internal drafts. In addition, the room does not overheat and is optimized for the moisture component. It is important for allergy sufferers that in the room where the infrared film floor heating is installed, static electricity is neutralized. The TRIO infrared film heaters works in the far infrared wavelength range from 4 to 14 microns. This radiation is also accompanied by anionic radiation.


Detailed information about infrared and anionic radiation of film heaters

Infrared radiation has two important characteristics:

– wavelength (frequency) of radiation

According to employees of the Institute of Occupational Medicine at the Academy of Sciences of RF, infrared waves have a positive effect on the body if its wavelength does not exceed the length of the wave emitted by the person himself. A person emits infrared waves in the range from 2.5 to 25 microns with a peak of radiation at a wavelength of 9.3-10 microns. Therefore, you can get a phenomenon called “resonant absorption”, in which the external energy will be actively absorbed by the body.

Since infrared radiation with wavelengths from about 7 to 14 microns penetrates not only under human skin, but also into the cellular level, triggering an enzymatic reaction there. As a result of this impact, the potential energy of the body’s cells increases, and unbound water will leave them, the activity of specific cellular structures increases, the level of immunoglobulins increases, the activity of enzymes and estrogens increases, and other biochemical reactions take place. This applies to all types of body cells and blood.

– radiation intensity

As in the case of different wavelengths, different intensity values are dangerous or beneficial to humans. If under the influence of energy flows with an intensity of 70-100 W / m2 in the body, the activity of biochemical processes increases, which leads to an improvement in the general condition of a person, then an intensity of 175 W / m2 can lead to negative changes in the natural structure of the protein molecule, suppression of the immune system – in general, to unpleasant things, including irreversible.


Useful anionic radiation (air ionization) for humans

Anion (from the Greek. Ana – up and ion – going), a negatively charged ion in an electric field moves to the positive electrode – the anode.
Anions have a beneficial effect on the human body (air ionization). Anions, combining with the oxygen of the air, form ionized oxygen that can improve the immune qualities of the human body and prevent many diseases. Anions purify, sterilize air and give it antiseptic qualities. The anion generation function (ionization) is automatically activated when the heater is turned on. Air ionization (the acquisition of air by electric charges – air ions) is a natural process occurring in nature under the influence of various natural factors.


Examples of natural air ionization

For comparison, the natural concentration of negative ions in the open air is 1,000 .. 10,000 ions / cm3, while in the room it drops to 40 .. 100 ions / cm3.
Tidal bore. When a liquid is sprayed, small droplets of it are charged negatively and, upon evaporation, give up their charge to air, and its saturation with negative ions occurs.
It is easy to breathe in the mountains. There is enhanced ionization due to a stronger flux of ultraviolet rays not attenuated by the atmosphere.
During a thunderstorm, ionization also occurs due to electrical discharges.
Air ionization reduces air toxicity and cleans it of dust and germs. Suspended particles of dirt and dust electrify and settle to the ceiling, walls, floor. The air is cleared.



Medical effect of air ionization by infrared heaters

Air ionization is necessary to create the optimal concentration of negatively charged ions in the rooms, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Depleted of ions, the air is “dead”, impairs health and leads to diseases. We are difficult to transfer crowding, a place where a lot of people accumulate. Man breathes out positive ions. Working heaters, display screens and televisions also produce positive ions. This is confirmed by numerous experiments of A. L. Chizhevsky and other scientists. A. L. Chizhevsky proved that negative ions of air are biologically beneficial, and positive ions have a harmful effect on the body.


The effect of infrared radiation on the biological activity of the body

Infrared radiation expands capillary vessels and increases blood flow, causing a slight increase in temperature.
Many of the diseases that modern society has faced originate from adverse environmental conditions. Diseases, virtually unknown 20 years ago, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, now exist in epidemic proportions and continue to grow with each passing year. Children are the most likely victims of environmental change. Many people ask themselves: why do they feel exhausted, why does their head seem “in the fog”, why do they constantly live with pain? The concentration of accumulated toxic substances in the body can be a primary factor in the poor health of millions of people. Heavy metals, pesticides, products of combustion of fuel and other chemical elements can be found in substantial quantities in the body of virtually every person on our planet.



Use IR heating and heaters for recovery

Recent studies have shown that heating the body in infrared rays stimulates cells to excrete toxic substances, including lead and mercury, from the body through sweat and urine. Cleansing the body of toxins is a prerequisite for the prevention of various diseases and health disorders. Along with a healthy diet, fasting and various diets, the infrared radiation system offers a wide range of proven capabilities that go beyond traditional medicine.
Therefore, regular sessions of infrared radiation are the best way to remove harmful substances from the body. This refers not only to toxic substances entering the body with food, but also alcohol and nicotine.

Due to the effective effects on the human body, far-infrared radiation in medical practice is used more and more and is more recognized. Far-infrared radiation is effectively used in Eastern medicine to improve peripheral blood circulation, eliminating unpleasant sensations, pain, fatigue, tension, and helps in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonias, hypertension, migraine, and other vascular pathology.


Dr. Toshiba Yamazaki has a clinic in Japan, where she continues her medical research in the field of infrared radiation to this day. In her book, The Science of Therapeutic Effects of Far-Infrared Rays, she discusses the scientific principles of treatment with far-infrared rays, and lists many interesting clinical case histories.

Health Company is the only company in the world that, since 1996, together with scientists from the medical university in Twente (Holland) under the guidance of prof. Rasker conducts research on the use of far-infrared radiation in medicine.
As a result of the joint efforts carried out by the scientifically medical laboratories of Japan, Korea, China and the United States, the effective therapeutic effects of the far infrared radiation range in which TRIO infrared film heaters work, as well as anionic radiation, have the following beneficial effects on humans:

  • Prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases and asthma.
  • The beneficial effects on animals and home plants.
  • Neutralization of unpleasant odors and tobacco smoke.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Calming effect on the nervous system.
  • General health effects on the body.
  • Stimulation of metabolism in the body.
  • Reducing high blood pressure.
  • Cleaning the body of toxins and waste.
  • Natural deodorization and antibiosis of the premises.
  • Activating cells in the body.
  • Prevention of skin diseases.
  • Restoration of skin elasticity.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.
  • Reducing cholesterol in the blood.
  • Enhance immunity.
  • Cosmetic action.


Detoxification of the body by infrared radiation

Many of the diseases that modern society has faced originate from adverse environmental conditions. Diseases, virtually unknown 20 years ago, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, now exist in epidemic proportions and continue to grow with each passing year. Children are the most likely victims of environmental change.

Many people ask themselves: why do they feel exhausted, why does their head seem “in the fog”, why do they constantly live with pain? The concentration of accumulated toxic substances in the body can be a primary factor in the poor health of millions of people. Heavy metals, pesticides, products of combustion of fuel and other chemical elements can be found in substantial quantities in the body of virtually every person on our planet.

Recent studies have shown that heating the body in infrared rays stimulates cells to excrete toxic substances, including lead and mercury, from the body through sweat and urine. Cleansing the body of toxins is a prerequisite for the prevention of various diseases and health disorders. Along with a healthy diet, fasting and various diets, the infrared radiation system offers a wide range of proven capabilities that go beyond traditional medicine.
Therefore, regular sessions of infrared radiation are the best way to remove harmful substances from the body. This refers not only to toxic substances entering the body with food, but also alcohol and nicotine.


The use of infrared rays in violation of cardiovascular activity

Regular exposure to infrared waves helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and this, in turn, significantly reduces the risk of heart disease (heart attack, coronary artery disease, etc.), and also reduces high blood pressure. As an additional effect, it can be noted that in the process of expansion of the vessels, the muscles responsible for this process are trained, as a result, the walls of the vessels become more mobile and elastic. The negative effects of varicose veins are reduced.


Blood circulation disorders

Heating the body with infrared waves dilates blood vessels, stimulating the improvement of blood circulation, especially in peripheral areas and capillaries. Regular sessions are an effective means of eliminating diseases such as, for example, insufficient blood circulation in the limbs (“cold feet” characteristic of the elderly).


Muscles and Joints

Infrared waves have a proven positive effect on muscles and joints, eliminating problems such as cramps, arthritic pain, especially in the shoulders and upper shoulder girdle, muscle pain, menstrual pain, rheumatism, sciatica and pain in various organs. Infrared heat helps fight limb stiffness. When warming up in the infrared cabin, the mobility of the fingers increases by 20%. Similar is the reaction of other stiff joints and connective tissue.


Treatment of colds

Frequent exposure of the human body to infrared waves increases the body’s resistance to infections and inhibits the reproduction of viruses. Consequently, regular exposure not only avoids catarrhal diseases, but can also help fight these diseases as soon as they begin, reducing recovery time. In addition, diseases that for which the body is traditionally used for heating – bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, etc. – are more effectively cured.


Ear, nose and throat

Infrared radiation can be used as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of chronic inflammation of the middle ear and throat, and to fight nosebleeds.


Overweight problems

The effect of infrared radiation leads to an increase in energy consumption by the human body, including the sweating, which burns calories. Consequently, regular exposure to infrared waves can help balance the weight and keep the body slim.



Cellulite is made up of water, fat and waste produced by the body’s natural processes. Cellulite is deposited in layers under the skin, leading to noticeable cosmetic problems. The deep penetration of infrared heat helps break down cellulite and then excrete as sweat.


Skin burns

It is proven that infrared radiation reduces pain from skin burns and can help speed up the process of creating a new skin.


The immune system

With regular exposure to the human body, the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells, which supply the organs with oxygen, increases in the blood. The immune system is stabilized, the body’s overall resistance to the adverse effects of the environment increases, the metabolism stabilizes, anemia decreases, and the cells of the body improve. Infrared waves compensate for the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays and are the only antidote for sunburn.


Nervous System Disorders

Sessions in the infrared cabin have a calming effect on the nervous system, eliminating insomnia, stress, nervousness, nervous tic.


Pain reduction

With a decrease in muscle tension, the sciatica pains decrease; heat helps to fight this circulus virtuosus. Heat reduces pain in both the nerve roots and adjacent tissues. In dental research, this phenomenon is referred to as an anesthetic. Heat stimulates a decrease in the production of endorphins.


Injuries and postoperative period

The human body is a system that is self-repairing. The recovery process after mechanical damage consists of 2 stages: the delivery of “building materials” to the place of “repair” of damaged places and the process of “repair”. Due to the acceleration of metabolic metabolism, the time of both stages is significantly reduced, which leads to accelerated healing of wounds, bruises, injuries, fractures, resorption of hematomas. The rehabilitation period after surgical operations (except for cases of implantation of artificial materials) and wounds is significantly shortened.



A number of digestive disorders are eliminated, flatulence and cholecystitis are reduced, the work of the large intestine is stimulated.


Cosmetic effects

Activation of blood circulation in the skin under the influence of penetrating infrared radiation leads to the expansion and cleansing of the pores of the skin. Dead cells are removed, the skin becomes smooth, supple and elastic. There is a cleansing of the skin, necessary for cosmetic procedures. A number of skin diseases are eliminated: acne, acne, nettle rash, dandruff. The complexion improves, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin looks younger. Scars and scars on the skin, even colloidal, soften, and in some cases dissolve. The level of unpleasant odors excreted by the skin is reduced. Eczemas and, according to unconfirmed reports, skin ulcers are healed. Cellulite deposits are reduced.

In addition, a number of US research laboratories (Dr, Masao Nakamura “O & P Medical Cliniс”, Dr. Mikkel Aland “Infrared Therapy Researches”, etc.) reported on the effects of far-infrared radiation obtained during research:


  • Suppression of the growth of cancer cells.
  • The destruction of certain types of hepatitis virus.
  • Neutralization of the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields.
  • Dystrophy treatment.
  • Reduction of hemorrhoids.
  • Softening, and in some cases, resorption of colloidal scars
  • Increasing the amount of insulin produced in patients with diabetes.
  • Neutralization of the effects of radioactive exposure.
  • Circulation of cirrhosis.
  • Treatment or significant improvement in psoriasis.


Modern research in the field of biotechnology has shown that it is far infrared radiation that is of exceptional importance in the development of all life forms on Earth. For this reason, it is also called biogenetic rays or “rays of life.” Our body itself radiates long infrared waves, but it itself also needs constant feeding with long-wave heat.


If this radiation begins to decrease or there is no constant feeding of the human body, then the body is subjected to attacks of various diseases, the person quickly ages against the background of a general deterioration of health. Far infrared radiation normalizes the exchange process and eliminates the causes of diseases, and not just their symptoms. Work on the study of penetrating far-infrared radiation continues throughout the world, we hope that these striking facts will be confirmed.

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